How to Install Age of Empires 3 on Windows 8
posted 10-25-13 07:44 AM EDT (US)
Switched just yesterday on 8.1 favorite game not working, i don't expect help or answer just wondering if anyone is able to run aoe3 on 8.1 ?
I did manually install msxml 4.0 from here
Game is updated and i'm not using any cracked game exe, did also try compatibility but no luck..
M$ say that game is compatible
but 14 out of 15 votes say it isn't. Any thoughts on that?
posted 10-27-13 11:10 PM EDT (US) 1 / 8
That means it isn't compatible without a compatibility patch that Microsoft hasn't given to you yet.
Its compatible according to Microsoft, because they have a compatibility patch probably.
Did you honestly expect a PC game to work on a touch screen smart phone operating system as "an app" with no compatibility patches and or emulators?
Windows 8 in general isn't really a PC operating system, and this is a PC game, not an "app".
If I were you I would switch back to 7 and never leave 7 for your PC gaming career for the next decade.
Mummy zombies on the Nile map is actually more historically accurate than tanks being destroyed by pikemen.
Want denser forests and a huge Amazon?
[This message has been edited by dietermoreno (edited 10-27-2013 @ 11:11 PM).]
Scenario Design Expert
posted 10-28-13 06:18 AM EDT (US) 2 / 8
Actually it should work with Windows 8.1.
Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with an extra layer of rubbish (Metro interface), and I know for a fact all the AoE series runs fine on 7. Furthermore, anything that runs on 8
Have you tried setting the compatibility settings to WinXpSP3? That usually solves 99% of people's compatibility issues.
posted 10-28-13 06:57 AM EDT (US) 3 / 8
not trying to justify myself ( or i do ) but i get legit serial for win8.1 for free so i wanted to give it a go...
i did try to set compatibility and i write that in my first post...
in meantime i did reformat and install win7 again because for me if aoe3 don't work it's deal breaker
btw, now it looks like this; 1 for working and 16 not working
( wondering how did M$ concluded it is compatible.......)
Scenario Design Expert
posted 10-29-13 02:21 AM EDT (US) 4 / 8
Everyone with Windows 8 got the upgrade to 8.1 for free, it wasn't just you.
Are you absolutely sure you tried
[This message has been edited by anterior2 (edited 10-29-2013 @ 02:43 AM).]
posted 10-29-13 05:09 AM EDT (US) 5 / 8
not important; i didn't have win8 - i switch to 8.1 from win7 (clean install).
game do run on win8 (i play with a friend who have win8 for a long time), game do not run on 8.1 (for me and many others who installed already upgraded win8.1).
the other day that same friend do a clean win8 install and than upgrade to 8.1 (he have aoe3 install on other hard disk) so he run all 3 game exe's and game ask him for a serials but after that game also ask him to instal some program Direct Play or game wont run so he install that program - my win 8.1 never ask me to instal that prog, it just say "initialization failed" when i try to run game and that's all.
nvm, i'm back to win7 and playing aoe3 again
Scenario Design Expert
posted 10-29-13 08:20 PM EDT (US) 6 / 8
Glad you managed to get it running again, even if it was under a different OS -_-
But it
posted 12-11-13 10:15 PM EDT (US) 7 / 8
I just spent a few minutes online with a guy from NVidia and if you have a GeForce series video card try pressing Ctrl+T while in the game and it should fix the problem. Did for me anyway!
posted 12-12-13 04:02 AM EDT (US) 8 / 8
nope.....amd7770....nvm, i'm still (and staying) on win7 anyway
How to Install Age of Empires 3 on Windows 8
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