In Classification, the Taxonomic Group Just Below Family Is:
Taxonomy is the classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships. Information technology is a subdiscipline of Systematics which is the study of those relationships. The word taxonomy is also used in non-biological contexts in to describe any arrangement of classification. Nomenclature is the study of names of organisms (not the organisms themselves) and is a subdiscipline of taxonomy. Oftentimes you'll see a reference to "taxonomy and nomenclature" or "systematics and taxonomy".
The classification of biological taxonomy is based on Latin, though since the beginning, errors and inconsistencies have crept in, and so information technology is not completely compliant with the grammer or usage of Latin.
Carl Linne (1707-1778), who wrote as Carolus Linnaeus, was a Swedish botanist that developed the taxonomic system, chosen binomial nomenclature, that is used throughout Biology. His original organization was first published in 1735 under the title Systema Naturae. The system has evolved over time, merely remains essentially the same.
At the top, the Linnaean organisation designates half dozen Kingdoms: Plantae (plants), Animalia (animals), Fungi (mushrooms and other fungi), Chromista (dark-brown algae and others), and Leaner (prokaryotes). The system, naming and scope of each of those Kingdoms (or whatever grouping inside them) can vary depending on the person studying and reviewing the taxonomy, specially with regards to ongoing research in the many fields of study. However, those groups are more often than not recognized fifty-fifty by those in disagreement with them.
Championship page of Systema Naturae, 1760.
- Definitions:
- Kingdom The highest formal taxonomic nomenclature into which organisms are grouped.
- Phylum A primary division of the kingdom ranking above a grade. Botanists use the term Division.
- Class A main taxonomic category of organisms ranking below a phylum and ranking higher up an society.
- Lodge A primary taxonomic category of organisms ranking below a course and above a family.
- Family A master taxonomic category of organisms ranking below an guild and above a genus.
- Genus A principal taxonomic category of organisms ranking below a family and higher up a species. Information technology is comprised of species displaying like characteristics. In taxonomic classification, the genus is used, either alone or followed past a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the species proper name.
- Specific epithet The term for the uncapitalized second give-and-take used in binomial nomenclature to designate a species. In the species proper noun Anolis carolinensis the specific epithet is the word carolinensis.
- Species A primary taxonomic category of organisms, ranking beneath a genus and comprised of related organisms capable of interbreeding. In writing, organisms in this category are represented in binomial nomenclature past an uncapitalized Latin adjective or noun following a capitalized genus proper noun, every bit seen in Anolis carolinensis. The genus is frequently shorthanded, every bit plant in A. carolinensis.
- Trinomial nomenclature A 3-part taxonomic designation indicating genus, species, and subspecies, such as Anolis sagrei sagrei.
- Taxon (pl. Taxa) whatsoever grouping inside the taxonomic organisation. Plantae is a taxon, and Anolis and Homo sapiens taken together are taxa.
Within each rank (kingdom, genus, etc.) other ranks may be recognized. The primary lesser ranks used include groups using prefixes such every bit "sub", "super" and "infra", such as suborder and superfamily. These are useful in grouping taxa below or higher up a certain major rank without changing their more formal (and usually more than familiar) taxonomy. In improver to those prefixes, Tribe is another commonly used grouping above the genus level. Usually understanding the significant of a taxonomic grouping is apparent from its use.
Examples of Linnaean Taxonomy [edit | edit source]
A representation of the groups within biological taxonomy.
The usual taxonomic classifications of five species follow: the fruit wing, so familiar in genetics laboratories (Drosophila melanogaster), humans (Homo sapiens), the peas used by Gregor Mendel in his discovery of genetics (Pisum sativum), the "fly agaric" mushroom Amanita muscaria, and the bacterium Escherichia coli. The eight major ranks are given in bold; a option of minor ranks are given also.
Rank | Fruit Wing | Homo | Pea | Fly Agaric | East. coli |
Domain | Eukarya | Eukarya | Eukarya | Eukarya | Bacteria |
Kingdom | Animalia | Animalia | Plantae | Fungi | |
Phylum or Division | Arthropoda | Chordata | Magnoliophyta | Basidiomycota | Proteobacteria |
Subphylum or subdivision | Hexapoda | Vertebrata | Magnoliophytina | Hymenomycotina | |
Class | Insecta | Mammalia | Magnoliopsida | Homobasidiomycetae | Gammaproteobacteria |
Subclass | Pterygota | Theria | Magnoliidae | Hymenomycetes | |
Order | Diptera | Primates | Fabales | Agaricales | Enterobacterales |
Suborder | Brachycera | Haplorrhini | Fabineae | Agaricineae | |
Family | Drosophilidae | Hominidae | Fabaceae | Amanitaceae | Enterobacteriaceae |
Subfamily | Drosophilinae | Homininae | Faboideae | Amanitoideae | |
Genus | Drosophila | Homo | Pisum | Amanita | Escherichia |
Species | Drosophila melanogaster | Man sapiens | Pisum sativum | Amanita muscaria | Escherichia coli |
Tabular array Notes:
- The ranks of higher taxa, especially intermediate ranks, are decumbent to revision as new information virtually relationships is discovered. For example, the traditional classification of primates (form Mammalia — subclass Theria — infraclass Eutheria — society Primates) has been modified by new classifications such as McKenna and Bell [1] (course Mammalia — subclass Theriformes — infraclass Holotheria) with Theria and Eutheria assigned lower ranks between infraclass and the club Primates. See mammal classification [2] for a discussion. These differences arise mainly because there are only a small number of ranks available and a large number of branching points in the fossil tape.
- Inside species further units may exist recognised. Animals may be classified into subspecies (for case, Homo sapiens sapiens, modernistic humans) or morphs (for instance Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus, the Pied Raven). Plants may be classified into subspecies (for example, Pisum sativum subsp. sativum, the garden pea) or varieties (for instance, Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon, snow pea), with cultivated plants getting a cultivar name (for example, Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon 'Snowbird'). Bacteria may be classified past strains (for example Escherichia coli, a strain that can cause food poisoning).
- A mnemonic for remembering the club of the taxa is:Keep Pot Clean Otherwise Family Gets Sick. Other mnemonics are available at Mnemonic Device and Acronyms.
Terminations of names (suffixes) [edit | edit source]
Taxon above the genus level are ofttimes given names based on the type genus, with a standard termination. The terminations used in forming these names depend on the kingdom, and sometimes the phylum and class, as set out in the table below.
Rank | Plants | Algae | Fungi | Animals | Bacteria[3] |
Division/Phylum | -phyta | -mycota | |||
Subdivision/Subphylum | -phytina | -mycotina | |||
Class | -opsida | -phyceae | -mycetes | -ia | |
Bracket | -idae | -phycidae | -mycetidae | -idae | |
Superorder | -anae | ||||
Society | -ales | -ales | |||
Suborder | -ineae | -ineae | |||
Infraorder | -aria | ||||
Superfamily | -acea | -oidea | |||
Epifamily | -oidae | ||||
Family | -aceae | -idae | -aceae | ||
Subfamily | -oideae | -inae | -oideae | ||
Infrafamily | -odd | ||||
Tribe | -eae | -ini | -eae | ||
Subtribe | -inae | -ina | -inae | ||
Infratribe | -ad |
Table notes:
- In botany and mycology names at the rank of family and below are based on the name of a genus, sometimes chosen the type genus of that taxon, with a standard ending. For example, the rose family Rosaceae is named afterward the genus Rosa, with the standard ending "-aceae" for a family. Names above the rank of family unit are formed from a family name, or are descriptive (like Gymnospermae or Fungi).
- For animals, at that place are standard suffixes for taxa just upwards to the rank of superfamily.[4]
- The taxonomic arrangement is based on the rules of Latin, and so forming a name based on a generic name may be not straightforward. For example, the Latin "homo" has the genitive "hominis", thus the genus "Homo" (human) is in the Hominidae, not "Homidae".
- The ranks of epifamily, infrafamily and infratribe (in animals) are used where the complexities of phyletic branching crave finer-than-usual distinctions. Although they fall beneath the rank of superfamily, they are not regulated under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and hence do not have formal standard endings. The suffixes listed here are regular, but informal.[5]
A Sample Taxonomy [edit | edit source]
Below is a sample taxonomy provided to show how various taxonomic ranks are used. It is used hither for illustrative purposes only and may not be electric current or consummate.
Kingdom Protista
- Phylum Protozoa
- Subphylum Plasmodroma
- Grade Mastigophora
- Subclass Phytomastigina
- Society Chloromonadina
- Order Cryptomonadina
- Guild Dinoflagellata
- Order Euglenoidina
- Order Phytomonadina
- Subclass Zoomastigina
- Guild Hypermastigina
- Order Polymastigina
- Order Protomonadina
- Society Rhizomastigina
- Class Sporozoa
- Bracket Cnidosporidia
- Club Actinomyxidia
- Order Helicosporidia
- Order Microsporidia
- Order Myxosporidia
- Subclass Haplosporidia
- Subclass Sarcosporidia
- Subclass Telosporidia
- Guild Coccidia
- Order Gregarinida
- Lodge Haemosporidia
- Class Sarcodina
- Society Amoebina
- Social club Foraminifera
- Lodge Heliozoa
- Order Mycetozoa
- Guild Proteomyxa
- Order Radiolaria
- Order Testacea
- Subphylum Ciliophora
- Class Ciliata
- Subclass Protociliata
- Subclass Euciliata
- Order Chonotricha
- Order Holotricha
- Suborder Apostomea
- Suborder Astomata
- Suborder Gymnostomata
- Suborder Hymenostomata
- Suborder Thigmostomata
- Social club Peritricha
- Suborder Sessilia
- Suborder Mobilia
- Club Spirotricha
- Suborder Ctenostomata
- Suborder Heterotricha
- Suborder Hypotricha
- Suborder Oligotricha
- Class Suctoria
Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Porifera
- Class Calcarea
- Order Homocoela
- Lodge Heterocoela
- Class Hexactinellida
- Guild Hexasterophora
- Order Amphidicophora
- Class Demospongiae
- Subclass Tetractinellida
- Subclass Monaxonida
- Subclass Keratosa
- Phylum Coelenterata
- Course Hydrozoa
- Guild Hydroida
- Suborder Anthomedusae
- Suborder Leptomedusae
- Suborder Limnomedusae
- Gild Hydrocorallina
- Suborder Milleporina
- SuborderStylasterina
- Order Trachylina
- Suborder Trachymedusae
- Suborder Narcomedusae
- Suborder Pteromedusae
- Society Siphonophora
- Grade Scyphozoa
- Order Stauromedusae
- Guild Cubomedusae
- Order Coronatae
- Order Discomedusae
- Suborder Semaeostomae
- Suborder Rhizostomae
- Form Anthozoa
- Subclass Alcyonaria
- Lodge Alcyonacea
- Order Coenothecalia
- Order Gorgonacea
- Club Pennatulacea
- Order Stolonifera
- Order Telestacea
- Subclass Zoantharia
- Club Actiniaria
- Suborder Actinaria
- Suborder Ptychodactiaria
- Suborder Corallimorpharia
- Order Madreporaria
- Order Zonanthidea
- Order Antipatharia
- Order Ceriantharia
References [edit | edit source]
- ↑ McKenna, Malcolm C., and Bell, Susan Yard. 1997. Nomenclature of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp. ISBN 0-231-11013-8
- ↑ Mammal classification at Wikipedia
- ↑ SP Lapage, PHA Sneath, EF Lessel, VBD Skerman, HPR Seeliger, and WA Clark (editors). 1992. International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (Bacteriological Code, 1990 Revision). Washington (DC): ASM Press. ISBN-ten: 1-55581-039-X Bacteriologocal Code (1990 Revision)
- ↑ ICZN commodity 27.2
- ↑ As supplied by Eugene Due south. Gaffney & Peter A. Meylan (1988), "A phylogeny of turtles", in Thousand.J. Benton (ed.), The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods, Volume ane: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds 157-219 (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
Further reading and resources [edit | edit source]
- Wikipedia: Taxonomy (biology)
- List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names (Wikipedia)
- Animal Phyla
- Plant Divisions (Phyla)
The three Codes listed below are the governing documents on how the taxonomic ranks are used and scientific names are practical. They're rather technical documents, but if y'all're actually interested in the rules of taxonomy and nomenclature in that location is no more authoritative source.
- SP Lapage, PHA Sneath, EF Lessel, VBD Skerman, HPR Seeliger, and WA Clark (editors). 1992. International Lawmaking of Nomenclature of Bacteria (Bacteriological Lawmaking, 1990 Revision). Washington (DC): ASM Press. ISBN-10: ane-55581-039-10 (online at Bacteriological Lawmaking, 1990)
- International Commission on Zoological Classification. 1999. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Online) Quaternary Edition. London. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature 1999. ISBN 0 85301 006 4 (online at Code of Zoological Nomenclature)
- International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code). Regnum Vegetabile 154. Koeltz Scientific Books. ISBN 978-3-87429-425-6 (online at Melbourne Lawmaking)
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